Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sitting In A Tree

You'll have to look closely for some of the birdies in the following photos, as they're perched in the branches and not too visible.

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The white-throated kingfisher is one of my favourites. There is a whole bunch of them behind my office, but they're rather hard to take pictures of as they flee whenever I try to go near enough to them for a closer shot. Here is one who decided to fly to a treetop for safety from the annoying lenses of bird fans.

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This appears to be a male Asian koel, which makes a rather distinctive call.

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A black-crowned night heron stalks its prey while hiding out in a mangrove.

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Another of these birds, sitting perfectly still. The heron photos have been edited to make the blue stand out, to make them more visible. They are more greyish than blueish in the original photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

W00t to obi