Monday, September 10, 2007

Bumblebee On Earth

I've tried to shoot this little guy in places where the scale of the model is not entirely obvious. I want him to look life-sized, and it's quite tricky to make the illusion look real.

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I don't think Camaros can be driven into the jungle like this.

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Bumblebee the Camaro parked near a scenic view of the Penang bridge.

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Bumblebee transforms into his towering robot mode and poses in front of the bridge to have his photo taken.

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It's hard to shoot a tiny model on the grass, because usually the blades of grass are really tall compared to the model and that breaks the illusion that this toy is actually a giant robot. However, this grass is nice and short. It's not entirely convincing so you need to pretend it's really tall (and fat) grass he's stepping on.

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Bumblebee standing around amongst rocks and plants.


Anonymous said...

the ones in front of the bridge are rather good at hiding it's real size, and the depth of field from photographing up close isn't visible as there's nothing between close-by and far-away.

Still, the black bird with red berries remains the best :)

Anonymous said...

i wanna buy a camera for myself. mind to share yours for comparison?

hussein said...

Mine's just an inexpensive Sony H2:

It's not a DSLR, but it has some manual control and it's fast and has nice zoom (12x optical). This is quite handy for nature photography without having to buy expensive telephoto lens.

However, there are limits to the camera. Try reading up the different models on and see which one suits you best, and what your budget is.